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Cauldin's Point

Cauldin's Point

An aerial view of the town of Cauldin's Point.

Cauldin's Point is a town in Korbantir, with a population of around 1,250 people, including those from surrounding unincorporated areas. Its claim to fame is that it's the final resting place of Cauldin of Leikon, one of the first human tribal leaders. It is surrounded by farmland and a large ancient forest to the west.

Its economy is largely dependent on trade, facilitated by the fact that it's situated on a crossroads between three major roadways. It is the logical stopping point for anyone traveling from Korban's Landing westward since there are no other major towns on the way. Even though much money flows through the town, its citizens are mostly impoverished. This is because of corruption within the local government and extortion of its populace.


Population estimates:

  • Within town limits: 300
  • Transitory: 200
  • Surrounding region: 750
  • Total: 1250

Geographical Features

The stream running through town is called The Wrinkle.

Artificial Features

The road crossing the town from west to east is called Korban's Way.

The road entering and terminating in town from the south is called Old Mendunon Trail.

Available in Town

  • Baker
  • Blacksmith
  • Butcher
  • General Store
  • Inn (Jonah's Denn)
  • Open air market
  • Stables
  • Statue of Cauldin
  • Temple of Primani
  • Town Hall
DM: Town Details
  • Baker
    • Run by Granny Toms
    • Female Human, 89 years old
  • Blacksmith
    • Run by "Hardy" Rufus Hardy III
    • Male Human, 56 years old
    • His hammer is named "Big Bertha"
  • Butcher
    • Run by Wendolyn Brightlock
    • Female Half-Elf, 36 years old
  • Dauriel's Mansion
  • General Store
    • Run by Grottle
    • Male Gnome, 294 years old
  • Inn, Jonah's Denn
  • Open air market
  • Stables
    • Run by Wynn Gaelan
    • Non-binary Elf, 115 years old
  • Statue of Cauldin
  • Temple of Primani
    • Run by priestess 🔐 Londrina
    • Purple scales
    • Female Dragonborn, unknown age
  • Town Hall
    • Run by Bobson Dugnutt
    • Male Human, 33 years old
DM: West, from Korban's Way

Approaching town from the west, near Jonah's Denn:

Flavor Text

After traveling the unwelcoming road, the thick smoke plume of a distant inn is a most welcome sight. Though, as you approach, the place appears to have seen its best days long before you arrived. A rotted wooden sign swings slowly in the wind, reading "Jonah's Denn" in an old blackletter script. Further down the road, a high wooden wall capped by a guard tower stands covered in a green coat of lichen and creeping vines.

Approaching the guard tower:

Flavor Text

As you approach the guard tower, the smells of campfires and fermenting garbage permeate the air from the town within the wooden walls. On your right, just outside the town's boundaries lay the ruins of a small roadside shrine -- its markings vandalized beyond recognition. There are no calls to halt from the tower, which appears abandoned, as you enter the town of Cauldin's Point.

DM: East, from Korban's Way

Approaching town from the east, near the windmill:

Flavor Text

For the last few miles, the dense forest made way for cultivated farmland; a sure sign of approaching civilization. You just passed the last farm on your right and can now see the wooden walls of a town straight ahead. The wind whistles along the outstretched arms of the a windmill on your right. Its arms creak and groan as they turn slowly, and from within, you hear the muffled grinding of the millstone. Ahead, a small wooden bridge crosses a dirty little river littered with debris, leading straight into town.

Approaching the guard tower:

Flavor Text

On closer inspection, the guard tower appears to be deserted and in rough shape. To you right, stretched out along the river bank, are numerous ramshackle shanties and improvised tents. Loose trash and the debris of earlier dwellings litter the area where these people live on the outskirts of Cauldin's Point.

DM: South, from Old Mendunon Trail

Approaching town, near the carpenter

Flavor Text


DM: Places Outside of Town
  • Vandalized ruins outside the gates on the west road.
  • Cauldin's Tomb (hidden north of town in the hills)
  • Carpenter
    • Run by Balthazar Talintir
    • Elf male, 313 years old
  • Farm
  • Windmill
    • Run by Leonard Timmons, Jr., son of Grandpa Lenny.
    • Human male, 53 years old
DM: After 3079

See the page for 🔐 Cauldin's Point Crater instead.
