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Bhreia, as she purportedly appeared in a vision to Minduran II (see below).

This page is about the mythological deity named Bhreia, after whom the world was named.

Pronunciation: bray-ah

Plane of Existence: Bhreia, the material plane of this setting.

Domains: Earth, soil. Stability vs her brother's duality.

Effects: When Bhreia is interrupted from her duties as the world, the world destabilizes and natural disasters happen. Most sightings of her are accompanied by earthquakes, sinking lands, and erupting volcanos.

Not much is known about Bhreia outside of the broad strokes lined out in the creation mythology and claimed by Minduran II. She and her brother were the first two primordial deities and are responsible for the creation of life. The name of her brother has been lost to the dusty depths of the ages. It is supposed that these two deities are the personifications of the world (the stable earth, Bhreia) and the heavens (the two-faced sky, the unnamed deity), whose origins are attributed to natural processes by some or different deities by others.


DM: Supplemental Facts

Bhreia is a real deity who is alive and well. She is the female goddess of the earth, much like Gaia was to the ancient Greeks. Her counterpart - the unnamed deity - is πŸ” Amalchi, the male god of the heavens.

Bhreia is a stable goddess and represents goodness. She does not appreciate sacrifice or worship and stays out of the way for the most part. Despite her best efforts to stay out of the business of the creatures that crawl upon her creation, Bhreia is worshipped by the Earth Genasi in TaΓ―ni. For this, the Genasi have been punished and their lands have been turned to desert.

If Amalchi returns to Bhreia, she will try to intervene in order to restore order by empowering players.

She represents the earth, order, stability, being grounded, and rationality.

Etymology (Meta)

From PIE root bΚ°reg-, meaning broken.

See Also
